From dream to reality – Champions-League vs. #MOI

It was 26.05.2018! A big event in Kiev, a big dream of Real Madrid, 3 times in a row to win the Champions-League! And how after 5 days we will come to the end of the application for the INSURY Startup Award 2018 in Vienna.

Do you know, what the connection is between the dream of Real Madrid to win the Champions-League and INSURY Startup Award by #MOI2018?

Do you remember, when I sayed, we will build a new insurance community and new insurance ecosystem in Vienna! It could be not the biggest European Insurance Event now, but it will be the BEST! A big thank you for our advisory board and our mentoring partner (Münich Re, UNIQA, ÖBV) as well (insurance experts, investors to motivate their networks!)

Today we finalised our INSURY Startup Award application from 18 countries of 4 continents. It`s amazing! I would invite of course each motivated Startups to our beautiful Vienna, but we had to decide to pitch in 4 categories with 12 startups. But, we will give other 8 startups the possibility to pitch and to win the 3 public prices. Because the ideas from digital technology solutions (from blockchain through risk calculation to analysis to danger), marketing & sales tools (amazing customer experience, broker technology), claims, underwriting & service (with drone, AI analisis) and P2P & digital insurance. We should know each amazing solution to „taking the insurance industry to the next level“

It was a big surprise for me, how many insurance companies build their own digital insurance. Last year I get the information, we are not really ready to „takeoff“, but this year a lot of digital insurances grow from ground! Congratulation!

The advisory board will be decide at the end of this month, who get the possibility to pitch in Vienna.

Also as a summary, at 19-20.09.2018 the 20 best startups from around the world will come to Vienna and 12 startups will be nominated in 4 categories and additional 3 will win public price! Of course our Knowledge transfer from Google, Facebook, IBM is guaranteed. One of the best keynote from UK is Sandro Forte will give us a great „pitch“. He knows exact the insurance industry as insider as well!

Our partner company like UBIMET, Capture, SparX give us insights, what`s going on in the world of IT solutions.

It will be a magic at 19-20.09.2018! #MOI2018!

Did you save your seat? We have only limited space! BOOK YOU SEAT HERE

And my special surprise for you to be part of the biggest „Friends of Insurance“ Flashmob ever.

INSURY Startup Awards 2017 goes on…

5 Kategorien, 15 Pitching und 15 motivierte Gewinner beim INSURY Startup Award 2017

Wien (pts012/25.09.2017/11:00) – Im Studio44 in Wien wurde #MOI2017 mit dem persönlichen Motto “the way to create your innovative insurance” von Erika Krizsan – Initiatorin des Insurance Innovation Day – eröffnet. Nach ihrer Begrüßung betonte sie, wie wichtig heute der von der Singularity University verbreitete Ausdruck zum Exponentional Thinking ist. Weiterhin ist wichtig ein entsprechendes Mindset zu- CoCoCo – Collaboration, Co-Creation, Connectivity für zukunftsorientierte ManagerInnen, um die digitale Transformation erfolgreich umsetzen zu können.

Mehr als 20 internationale Speaker haben tiefe Einblicke der Zukunft der Versicherungsbranche vermittelt. Die Themenbereiche waren neue Technologien, die die Versicherungsbranche revolutionieren werden, wie Blockchain, künstliche Intelligenz, Internet of Things, VR & AR. Neue, transparente, kundenfreundliche Ansätze verfolgen diese Themenbereiche.

Der Höhepunkt am Abend war nach 2-minütigen Geschäftsmodellpräsentationen von 15 nominierten Startups der INSURY Startup Award. Die Gewinner des diesjährigen “INSURY Startup Award” stehen fest. Das internationale 14- köpfige Advisory Board, bestehend aus hochkarätigen internationalen Versicherungsexperten und Investoren, ist sich über die Nominierten einig geworden. Das Ergebnis wurde nun im Rahmen des Insurance Innovation Day #MOI2017 verlautbart. Read more

Live your dream and believe in your success!

Erika Krizsan Founder of INSURANCE FACTORY in interview about the MOI – THE MAGIC OF INNOVATION Event in Vienna

Please introduce yourself to our readers! Please tell us about your business?
Why? I like insurance! I knew, already when I was 13 years old. I will work in an insurance company. I started in Hungary at Generali. After that I started at the ERGO Group in Vienna. I worked more than 20 years in different positions, national and international in the insurance industry. My bosses knew, I wanted to learn a lot and I got the opportunity to do this. I managed and organised small- and big projects, established new companies in different CEE countries. Ones I woke up and I wanted to start my own company – it was born – INSURANCE FACTORY! I learned a lot from the best innovators from the world and from the most motivated startups!

Yes, 5 years ago, I had the crazy idea, to support the insurance industry in innovation & creativity. At that time, everybody said: “Mrs. Krizsan, Innovation in the insurance industry? We don`t need it! We have our business model already for more than 200 years and it hasn`t changed”

However I developed training methods and concepts to motivate and support the development of insurance managers mindset to the digital transformation. I organised Innovation trainings methods via Design Thinking, Business Model Innovation, EDISON Principle and some lovely co-creation training with startups and students. I have organised Innovation Talk in Vienna every 3 months and since 2015 the Insurance Innovation Day (with Award Ceremony).

This year 2017 is a very special year, because Insurance Factory will celebrate it`s 5th anniversary with friends, colleagues, startups, investors and insurance executives at the Insurance Innovation Day 2017. The event will be international for the first time with speakers from more than 9 countries – e.g USA, England, Switzerland, Germany, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands and of course from Austria! It will be a MAGIC, because the Event is THE MAGIC OF INNOVATION!

And for the first time, we will have an amazing INSURY Startup Award with Pitchings Session in Vienna

I had the vision to build a new insurance community in Vienna (like in Berlin, London and Zürich!) with insurers, brokers, investors, startups and all future-oriented managers. Let`s innovate the insurance industry! Read more