Behind the Scenes – #MOI2021 Countdown

Insights about venues, clothes, foods and #MOI feeling coming soon

I`m very excited to tell you some details about our preparation for #MOI2021 – Insurance Innovation Day in Vienna. You know „#MOI is more than a conference!“ We have now less than 1 month to meet again as an yearly „class reunion“ in Vienna with other insurance enthusiasts.

As every year, we choose not only an event motto but also for the motto suitable venue, dress code, food and other creative topics. This year is #MOI2021`s motto „Innovation meets Tradition!“

After a long Covid Break, we had the question: How can we symbolize „Innovation meets Tradition!“? As you know, the insurance industry is a very traditional industry but with high potencial with their expertise and finance strongness to create innovation and new customer experience for the next generation. We invited not only insurance incubents but also young entrepreneurs and insurance talents under 35 to tell us insights and trends.  

Yes-yes, now we can`t meet colleagus from around the world, but we organise a digital live streaming as well. And if you want to feel the spirit of #MOI, you have to be in Vienna on 20-21.october 2021. Are you ready for #MOI2021 insurance journey?

We don`t have only a creative concept behind #MOI, we have also a high level of contents and learning possiblities with great experts from around the world to grow together and create the best industry for the next generation.

See you in one month in Vienna at #MOI2021!

Adeolu Adewumi-Zer Mihaly Erdos Adrian Marin Michael Zwiefler Christine Theodorovics Andreas Buhr Andreas Hladky Thomas Windhager Sabine VanderLinden Irene Fialka Romana Ruda Erich Kruschitz Matteo Carbone Andrea Baumgartnerova Emmanuel Djengue Gudrun Meierschitz Alexandru CIUNCAN Barbara Liebich-Steiner George Kesselman Luis-Felipe Latorre Dipu KV Joachim Seebacher Michael Marte Jonathan Hughes Gero Reiniger Tim Attia Rinalda Klemencic Imtiaz Adam Peter Lieber Florian Graillot Dr. Robin Kiera